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The community of Bluffton has had several names. Originally there was a small community here with a post office named Croghan Post office. Anyone familiar with the War of 1812 and Ohio will recognize the name of Croghan, the young Major under General Harrison, that mounted a heroic defense of Fort Stephenson, which was located where Fremont is today. Major George Croghan was awarded the Gold Medal by the United States in 1835.
As more people, especially those of Irish descent, began arriving in the area, residents of the community officially changed the name to Shannon when it was platted in 1837. When the community later petitioned the U.S. Post Office to change the name of their post office from Croghan to Shannon in honor Ohio's 14th and 16th Governor, the post office informed them that this particular name was already in use (a small town in eastern Ohio, just north of Dillon Lake). So in 1861 the name Bluffton was then chosen, but the reason for this particular name has been lost. Some say it was because of some bluffs along the Riley Creek. Others say it was named after a town in Indiana. Whatever the source of the name, Bluffton has remained the name of record since the local Post Office was renamed Bluffton in 1873.
A complete street side restoration project took place in historic downtown Bluffton in 2009. This helped transform the downtown area so that it resembles the 1930s, but the all the conveniences of the 21st Century. The year before the historic town hall went through a complete renovation.
ARTS AND CRAFTS FESTIVAL - Each May, downtown Bluffton opens up to and huge influx of craft vendors and artisans combined with the local retailers providing sidewalk sales.
WHEELS FEST - Hundreds of historic vehicles, including hot rods, go on display down Main Street each June. Features and evening cruise-in.
Wilson Shannon
Bluffton had several names during its existence. The second community name was in honor of Wilson Shannon, the first Ohio governor to be born in Ohio (Feb. 25, 1802). In fact he was born in Barnesville, Ohio to parents of Irish descent and his father was a Revolutionary War veteran. His oldest brother George, was the youngest member of the Lewis and Clark Expedition to the west coast and back
During Shannon's second term as Ohio governor, President John Tyler appointed him as Minister to Mexico, from which he was recalled a year later. In 1849, Wilson Shannon went to California during the Gold Rush.
In 1852
he returned to Ohio and won a seat in the House of Representatives. At the end of his first term in office, President Franklin Pierce appoint him to become Governor of the Kansas Territory in 1855. Shannon died in 1877.
There is no evidence that Wilson Shannon ever visited the Village of Bluffton.
Bluffton Ohio is home to Bluffton University was originally known as Central Mennonite College, which was founded in 1899. In 1913 the college name was changed to Bluffton College and in 2004 it became Bluffton University. Over the years many people have passed through the gates of Bluffton College. One of the more notable people was Lima-born Phyllis Driver, who was a notable piano player. Although she wanted to pursue a career as a piano virtuoso, she realized that she would never be as good as her instructors. Years later, she achieved her dreams of being on stage, but not for her musical talents, but for her comedic talents. Phyllis Driver met her future husband during her senior year at Bluffton College and they were married in 1939. Her husband with whom she had 5 children, was named Sherwood Diller. Years later she began working as a stand-up comic and in more recent years she was the voice of multiple cartoon characters. After she eloped with Sherwood, she took on his last name which became her iconic stage name: Phyllis Diller.
Another note of dubious distinction happened in Bluffton in 1933 at the Citizens National Bank. Four armed men entered the bank just before noon with 3 employees and 1 customer inside. The entire robbery lasted less than 5 minutes, with a net gain of just over $2000. The banks vault was on a time lock which prevented any additional funds from being taken and the fact that one of the employees hit the alarm button. Hearing the town's siren going off, the 4 men including John Dillinger fled to a parked car firing off about 30 shots. Dillinger was captured a short time later in Dayton and taken to Lima. Here he engineered an escape from the city jail, killing Sheriff Jess Sarber during the escape
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