If you have a Facebook account, we'd be more than happy to swap "likes" -- our feeling: the more the merrier. Just let us know about your Facebook page (use the form below to send us your Facebook page link. We promise we'll return the favor, honest!
Link Partners
If you have a commercial web site devoted to an Ohio service, travel destination, destination experience, restaurant, inn, hotel, or other Ohio related open to the public establishment, add a clearly visible link to http://touringohio.com on your site, let us know you did so and we'll add your web site address to our Partner Links page -- it's a win-win proposition.
Simply add a link to www.hockinghills.com on your Web site*, let us know, and we will ad your Web site to our Link Partners page.
This offer is only open to travel and tourism Web sites and must be approved by our operating committe. *The link to hockinghills.com on your Web site must be clearly visible to the general public.