Here are a few of our other Ohio friends that we think you might enjoy visiting. Tell them you found them while! -- a one stop quilt shop with all your sewing needs. We have over 3,500 fabric bolts, over 4000 fat quarters, over 1000 pattern titles, over 400 book titles, newest notions-lots of stencils, Quilter's Dream batting, Husqvarna Viking Sewing machines/Sales and Service in house and Horn of America Sewing Cabinets located in Trenton Ohio. -- a top retailer of quilting fabric in the industry, supplying quilters around the world, Fabric Shack is indeed a labor of love! Located in Waynesville, Ohio -- southwest Ohio's premier winery/entertainment destination in Bethel Ohio -- a full service retail quilt store,housed in a log cabin, featuring 'quilt shop only' fabrics in Goshen Ohio -- eatures award-winning American style food with a worldly flair and offers hand-crafted beer in an upscale-casual setting, located south of downtown Columbus adjacent to German Village in the historic Brewery District -- wines from Ohio grapes as well as from grapes beyond Ohio, located in Ripley Ohio -- a family owned shop that offers personal attention and a favorite spot for so many quilters in the Cincinnati area -- carries a variety of premium fabrics for quilting and sewing for the home or fashion bringing their online customers the latest trends in design and ideas while also offering traditional products at great prices everyday -- equipped with 16 taps for beers straight from the source, their production brewery and taproom is open Monday through Saturday in Athens Ohio -- operating in the historic downtown Boneyfiddle District of Portsmouth Ohio since 1843 brewing original recipes from the 1800's plus some new favorites of handmade craft brewed beer
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