The new Veterans Plaza area became the new East public entrance to the Statehouse and Senate Building when it was dedicated in 1998. It dramatically serves as a reminder that our government could not exist without the sacrifices veterans have made, especially Ohio's Veterans.
Part of the restoration of the Statehouse involved having the architectural firm of Schooley Caldwell Association, to work with a committee representing various Ohio veteran's groups to create a dignified, permanent memorial with significant symbolic value. Funding for the Plaza was provided from the Statehouse Restoration project budget, the Capitol Square Review and Advisory Board, and the Capitol Square Renovation Foundation.
Besides creating a new entrance with drop-off capabilities for tour buses, the Plaza includes 2 fountains at both the north and south ends of the plaza. There are also 2 10' high, 40' long limestone walls with letters from all the wars were Ohioans fought. The letters don't denote
Here is an example of one of the letters home:
Dear Eileen,
I was appointed squad leader position today, which means my hard work is being noticed. Everything I learn here will help me later in life.
1. Never assume anything. 2. No matter how bad you don't want to do something, see it through and make the best of it. 3. Home is where you make it. 4. Make things happen for yourself. Take charge of your life. 5. Don't take little things in life for granted. 6. If you really love someone, they're always with you no matter where you are. 7. Teamwork. 8. Friends are invaluable. 9. Trust in yourself and your first instinct. 10. Don't lose touch with your Creator.
My Dear Mrs. Davis,
I have been trying to send you a few lines since Iwo Jima but due to censorship and a rule which keeps us from writing to casualties' families, it was impossible. One of the Marines from our outfit is going to the States, and he is going to mail this. It's not the right thing to do but in my own heart, I do not think it wrong.
As you probably know, Jerry was my best pa. We had been in all the invasions side by side. We got wounded rather closely together and shared our hospital days. We have shared foxholes, clothing, money, packages from home— we were that close. Although I have never had the pleasure of meeting you, I feel that I really know you. You see, Jerry and I shared our letters from our mothers because the letters were so alike.
I don't think I can ever obtain a pal who can fill Jerry's shoes. He was not only a "regular fellow" but also a darn good Marine— the best. He had a lot of courage and guts. Not only have you lost a son, I my best pal and the Marine Corps one of the best marines, but the world has lost one of its greatest men. I feel proud to have known him and have him like me the way he did.
Yours truly,
Among the most prominent features of the Ohio Statehouse and Capitol Square is the symbolism found in the historic statues, monuments and markers expressing the ways different generations of Ohioans have understood their history and own experiences, and how they wished to be remembered.
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